PEMBINAAN ADMINISTRASI OLEH BPS PROVINSI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Musi Rawas Regency

Sectoral statistics are statistics that are utilized aimed at meeting agency needs certain governments in the context of carrying out government tasks and development tasks is the main task of government agencies concerned. ​

Alamat Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (PST) Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Musi Rawas JL. Lintas Sumatera Komplek Perkantoran Pemkab Musi Rawas, Kawasan Agropolitan, Muara Beliti Kabupaten Musi Rawas 

Welcome to the website of the Central Bureau of Statistics for the Regency of Musi Rawas



August 30, 2024 | Other Activities

Hi #DataFriends

On Friday (30/08/2024), the Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Musi Rawas Regency, Mr. Dedi Fahlevi, M.Si welcomed the visit directly from the Head of the General Section of South Sumatra Province, Mr. Taupiq Hidayat Nr Ir. M.M. This visit was carried out in order to carry out administrative supervision and guidance functions in BPS districts/cities throughout South Sumatra.

Next, a meeting was held for all BPS employees of Musi Rawas Regency to listen to direct instructions from Mr. Taupiq Hidayat Nr. Ir. M.M. On this occasion the event was opened by Mr. Dedi Fahlevi, M.Sc. and instructed all employees to attend the meeting until it was finished.

Apart from the meeting, administrative documents were also checked and verified as well as interviews with Musi Rawas Regency BPS staff. The purpose of the administrative audit in question is related to technical activities that have been carried out during the 2024 period. This is carried out to ensure that the administrative implementation from technical activities related to enumeration to processing administration runs smoothly, on time and completely.

Hopefully, through this supervision, administrative activities at BPS Musi Rawas Regency will run according to the SOP and be complete.

#BPSKMusiRawas Regency

#BPS1605 Public Relations








#bureaucratic reform

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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